Our cooperation with Repasdo.

It all started in December 2022. We got an introduction meeting with Sara Mahdavi, the CEO of Repasdo, where we introduced our concept and our wish of creating a responsible clothing line. We explained to Sara how difficult it was for us to trust labels and manufacturers, as we had perviously experienced lack of transparency with manufacturers who claimed to be suitable for startups with responsibility in focus. Before this meeting, we had spent almost two years developing patterns and communicating with different manufacturers.

Sara started talking about her over 20 years experience as an engineer within oil, gass and renewable energy. She wanted to enter the fashion industry, as she was convinced that the future of the fashion industry relies on having technology and responsibility as fundemental core values.

We knew right away that we wanted this partnership, and that we would become a part of something big.

Sara Mahdavi Rakstang, CEO of Repasdo

"We dare to think differently at Repasdo, and we are ready to roll up our sleeves and get the job done. The industry we are a part of is undergoing significant changes, and for many, this will mean 'fly or die.' We choose to fly, and we believe that sustainability cannot be bought as a product but must be woven into our economic model. Those who choose Repasdo can rest assured that we will do the work and be proud to wear our garments year after year."

Their mission is to enable small to medium fashion brands to produce clothes through a circular ecosystem for fashion production, aligned with the increasingly higher requirements for sustainability through both EU textile regulations, industry 5.0 and market expectations. 

Technology alone cannot secure responsible development in the fashion industry, but matched with the right partners and traceability end to end, their technology and ecosystem combined can help the industry tackle three current pain points in the industry: overproduction, modern slavery and non-circular product lifecycles. 

Repasdo’s technology is designed to make sure all partners in their eco-system gather data to secure alignment with EUs new textile regulations and industry 5.0

With Repasdo, we are ensured great communication, transparency, and quality garments that meet the standards of responsible fashion.


Why choose responsible fashion?